Dear Mom and lovely family of mine :)
It is interesting how we as humans sometimes try to make spiritual things into physical, tangible things. I can give an example, We had a teach with one investigator who brought a friend who questioned the reality of God. He said where is God? Have you seen Him? How can you know He is real? Well the member we brought with us answered in the best manner with a question. P, the member, asked, '' What is love? Please show to me how much you love your children?'' P helped the athiest, whos name was H. realize that you cannot put everything into scientific terms. The humans feelings are just as real as the other senses.
This past week I have focused on getting more out of my personal study rather than just spiritual strength. (More bang for my buck!) For example, if I compared personal study to receiving the necessary energy to live and do missionary work. I could just receive an IV (needle and nutritous liquid) or I could eat a good healthy beef stew with vegetables. The IV provides the necessary energy (Receive necessary spiritual strength to keep going) but the soup provides even more. There is subtance in the soup than the IV. One can be more effective with the Soup rather than the emergency life support.
I wish I could write more but more time has come to an end. I love you!
Vanhin Hamner
I wish I could write more but more time has come to an end. I love you!
Vanhin Hamner
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